Prof. Dr. E. G. Rajan B.Sc., D.M.I.T., M.E., PhD, FIE is the Chairman, Pentagram Group of Companies, India, USA, UK and Canada. Founder President, Pentagram Research Centre (P) Limited. He is an Electronics Engineer and a Professor of Signal Processing having about 50 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. He has a number of publications to his credit. He has been a professional member of ACM and an editor of the journal of AMSE, Royal Academy of Doctors, Barcelona, Spain. He received his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering, (Signal and Image Processing), from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, U.P., M.E. degree in Applied Electronics, from Madras University, the then famous DMIT in Electronics Engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology, Chromepet, Madras and B.Sc degree in Physics from Madras University.
His contribution to the state-of-the-art of Electronic Warfare and Support Measures has been well recognized in the Government and industrial sectors. He was a noted teacher in the department of Electrical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He received Distinguished Scientist and Man of the Millennium Award from Who is Who Bibliographical Records, Cambridge, 2000. He authored many books like, Symbolic Computing Signal and Image Processing, Electronic Order of Battle Records of Military Radars, Computers and Information Technology and Foundations of Information Technology. He is the father of a novel paradigm Symbolic Computing in the Framework of Markov’s Constructive Mathematical Logic. His contribution to Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Modeling and Simulation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning could be seen in his research publications. Two of his one hundred and five Ph.D scholars were involved in the design of digital circuits using organic molecules and some of them are working in the area of Big Data Analytics pertaining to Genome Data Base, Crime Prediction Support System, Biometrics Data Base, Medical Data Bases like MRI and CT Scan imageries of Breast Cancer, Geospatial Data Bases like Multispectral Satellite imageries and Subsurface Three Dimensional Radargrams obtained using Ground Penetrating Radars. He has brought out more than 25 original patentable concepts. One such concept is Codon Space, which advocates the theory of Life Forms as Subspaces of the Information Space called Codon Space. Another concept is a Mathematical Transform, which goes by his name as Rajan Transform. On November 15, 2015, he was awarded the prestigious Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Gold Medal for his life time achievement in Teaching, Research, Industrial Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. He has been a Special Invitee of Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Elected Member, International Federation of Systems Research, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria, He was honored with a citation Veda Vedi Vibhushana by H. H. Swami Ramdev during the second National Conference on Vedic Sciences, Arshadhara 2013 held at the Mythic Society, Bengaluru on 28th December 2013. He was invited to address at many conferences, departments, organizations and universities like National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad; RCI / DRDL, Hyderabad; University of Hyderabad; University of Maryland @ College Park; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Lincoln Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge; Pennsylvania State University @ State College; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, University of Southwestern Louisiana, La Fayette, University of Southern California, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syberia, Kepler University, Austria, University of Aegean, Greece, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Police Academy, Hyderabad, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, Tapar University, Patiala, Chandigarh University, Punjab, to name a few. He has chaired fifteen international conferences and offered keynote lectures and workshops both in India and abroad. He is also advisor for an NRI funded organization in the USA which deals with funding projects related to aviation, space, energy, health, education, agriculture and security.
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