The Center in Brief

The Center was founded in 2009 by the United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFRI) and The International Association of Cybercrime Prevention (AILCC) to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development in Africa. We represent a network of African and international experts, academics, fellows, researchers, law enforcement and lawyers working to identify and engage with the challenges and opportunities of cyberspace and fight cybercrime in Africa in particular and worldwide, at large.

In 2023, the headquarters were moved to NMU in RSA by MOU that was signed between AILCC & NMU

As part of our active research mission, we:

  1. Work with other NGOs, governmental bodies, research and training institutions, etc.
  2. Develop partnerships among all levels of government, education, business, community organizations, law enforcement and the general public.
  3. Conduct action-oriented and policy-oriented researches on cyber related issues.
  4. Organise conferences, workshops, seminars, etc.
  5. Provide training services, including basic, advanced and specialised courses.
  6. Assist civil society and NGOs in coordinating efforts in the area of cybercrime prevention.
  7. A variety of consulting services is provided by the ACCP at no direct heavy cost.

Our experts investigate real boundaries in cyberspace between open and closed systems of commerce, of governance, and of education, as well as exploring the relationship of law to each.

They engage with a wide spectrum of cyberspace issues, including internet governance, privacy, intellectual property rights, content control, electronic commerce, decision-making, technologies in public administration, freedom of information in digital records including those in electronic health and biometrics system and cybercrime control and prevention.

Our diverse research interests cohere in a common understanding of the Internet as a social and political space where constraints upon inhabitants are determined not only through the traditional application of law, but, more subtly, through technical architecture, wherefrom criminals take advantage to defraud the unsuspecting cyberspace community.